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Full Moon Soundbath : Women's Healing Temple

We are honoured to invite you to our newest creation; a Full Moon sound bath created especially for feminine healing. Movement, sound, crystals and meditation combine to create a gentle, dreamy healing Temple space.
Come, relax, soften and melt into the sounds of our crystal bowls! With gentle movement before we drift into the healing dimensions of our sacred sound bath.
The Pisces Full Moon is a beautiful, magical energy to dream to! For anyone who fancies, we will be sharing our delicious herbal blend of Dream Tea, containing organic herbs attuned with Womb healing.

If you have any questions, please get in touch!

Love x

Shaura collects instruments such as drums and rattles from places with deep spiritual significance for her. Her Alchemy crystal bowls and gong are carefully selected to bring healing to the body, mind and spiritual centres. She also uses her voice as a channel of healing.

The different sounds take the listener on a journey that interrupts the cognitive process, allowing the system to rest in deeper states of awareness. The brain waves are said to shift into Alpha and Theta waves. The brain slows into Alpha when we are daydreaming, in light meditation or relaxing deeply. Theta waves are when we are in deep meditation, REM dreaming, or a hypnogogic state.

The electrical activity in the brain affects the nervous system, which givens heart rate. The heart slows when the mind does, and the system can enter into a state known as the Relaxation Response, where cellular healing can occur.

Eat light foods on the day and fast for 2 hours before arriving if possible.

22 June

SUmmer Solstice Full Moon Soundbath

25 October

Autumn Soundbath