Autumn Soundbath

Autumn Soundbath

The sacred science of healing with sound is a powerful way to restore harmony throughout the body, mind and energy field. Join us for a sacred sonic voyage, through Native American healing chants, cosmic crystal bowls and the mystical resonance of our Heavens Mirror Gong...

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Full Moon Soundbath : Women's Healing Temple
to 11 Sep

Full Moon Soundbath : Women's Healing Temple

We are honoured to invite you to our newest creation; a Full Moon sound bath created especially for feminine healing. Movement, sound, crystals and meditation combine to create a gentle, dreamy healing Temple space.

Come, relax, soften and melt into the sounds of our crystal bowls! With gentle movement before we drift into the healing dimensions of our sacred sound bath.

The Pisces Full Moon is a beautiful, magical energy to dream to! For anyone who fancies, we will be sharing our delicious herbal blend of Dream Tea, containing organic herbs attuned with Womb healing.

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SUmmer Solstice Full Moon Soundbath

SUmmer Solstice Full Moon Soundbath

The Summer Solstice Full Moon is a powerful time for cleansing and soul renewal. The Earth’s magnetic fields are lowered during the Solstice period, creating an opportunity to travel between the realms.

Journey through Native American healing chants, cosmic crystal bowls and the mystical resonance of our Heavens Mirror Gong at the time of the Summer Solstice Full Moon.

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New Moon Soundbath

New Moon Soundbath

The New Moon is a time for new beginnings, for entering into a new cycle with clarity and vision. The sacred science of healing with sound is a powerful way to restore harmony throughout the body, mind and energy field. This New Moon creates a powerful opportunity for renewal on many levels.

Aligning with the wisdom of the moon teaches us about the nourishment of cyclical rest and renewal. When we consciously attune with the cycles of nature, we restore the elemental wisdom within our cells and the innate creativity which we all hold. This ancient knowledge enriches our bodies and promotes healing on many levels.

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Full Moon Soundbath

Full Moon Soundbath

There is research to tell us that water stores information of all descriptions, and as human beings who are at least 70% water, we can suppose that we are carrying the memory of emotions, feeling and thoughts. The Full Moon draws the waters within our body to the surface and we gain more access to our unconscious material.

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